In BtoB Magazine‘s most recent issue (Aug 16, 2010), there are three articles by Sean Callahan on the B2B marketing trend of developing custom content: (a) “Commited to custom”, (b) “Custom programs getting larger portions of budgets”, and (c) “Makino retools marketing program with custom content”. The gist of ‘custom content’ seems to mean information for industry…
Author: admin
The Role of Product Simulations in Experiential Marketing
I had been collecting links and interesting posts about experiential marketing as it relates to product simulation, as I think about developing an e-book or white paper about product simulation advertising/product simulation marketing. I figured I would post the links and stuff I’ve collected, to get feedback and keep the info in a central place. …
Product Simulations as Authentic Social Media Content
I just saw a great post from Lee Odden at the Online Marketing Blog, entitled “Why Do So Many Companies Suck at Social Media?“. Essentially, my take on it is that he feels companies jump on the social media/technology bandwagon, i.e., try to adopt the latest tools and technology of social media, without really thinking about…
A few thoughts on product ‘degrees of closeness’
I am in the process of thinking how to collect into an e-book or something what I’ve been observing regarding product simulations in advertising. I’m not thrilled with the term ‘degrees of closeness’, but the idea is to have some measure to evaluate a product demonstration or exposition with respect to a real experience with…
Making a compelling story
Rick Braddy’s post about storytelling for product launches, “Psychology of Social Product Launches — Part 3, Storytelling” is a quick and interesting read about using stories as part of presenting a product, rather than the typical verbiage we develop. The article immediately made me think about the power of case studies for marketing, which seems…
Gaming as the New Marketing? A commentary
I’m a bit late to read this post, but author Alan Moore of “Communities Dominate Brands” makes an observation in early 2007 in his post entitled “Gaming the New Marketing?“. His point is that games represent a new way to communicate with an audience, in an immersive, engaging way. He dismisses “branded entertainment” and “product…
Primer for B2B Digital Marketing – Simulations are Great Content!
I finally got a chance on an airplane ride to take a look at Paul Mosenson’s e-book “Digital Marketing The Right Way: an Introductory Primer for B2B” (NuSpark Marketing). It is a nice introduction to essential elements of digital marketing (web site purpose/presentation, SEO, social media, content, lead management), helping the B2B vendor reader understand…
‘Catchy’ Content with Product Sims
In “How Catchy is Your Content?“, Ardath Albee (‘Marketing Interactions’) does a nice job of presenting and discussing a few metrics one can apply to content for B2B marketing (really to anything), to ensure the content gets the right reception. She calls the metrics “Catch Factors” (catchy!). She defines “Catch Factors” as “the preferences and aversions…
Get Excited about Your Product and You’ll be On to Something Hot
Admittedly, a pretty bizarre title, but it comes (late at night) from me seeing a juxtaposition of Seth Godin’s “A sad truth about most traditional b2b marketing” a few days ago and Adam Singer’s (Online Marketing Blog) “Thinking Critically About Web Video.” I struggle often with the question about why product simulations/demos are not yet…
Hard to Measure Customer Engagement? Start with Product Engagement
In “Study finds customer engagement hard to measure,” B-to-B Magazine’s Kate Maddox posts some high-level findings from a recent study from Forbes Insights about measuring customer engagement. “Customer engagement is a top priority for CMOs, but many companies are struggling to implement strategies and measure customer engagement, according to a new study from Forbes Insights…