A few days ago, I saw an interesting infographic comparing consumer and retailer expectations, entitled “What Consumers Want from Product Video” by Invodo, of all things (surprise, surprise), a company that makes videos for product advertising. It seemed to me a bit of the cart before the horse, but I understand their perspective. I think a…
Author: admin
Blip on the Radar for “Selling the Experience” against Amazon
I ran an interesting post and white paper from Joe Davis entitled “Beating Amazon by Creating Shopping Experiences,” which presents an idea similar to what I advanced a few years ago in “Selling the Experience“, namely that anyone trying to compete with Amazon for selling products successfully really has to focus on the product experience….
Content Marketing recognizing value of training content
It has been quite awhile since my last post, but I was moved to add a new post because of a comment by Scott Abel (The Content Wrangler) in a piece called “Keep Your Content Marketing Strategy Ahead of the Curve: New Trends“. The questions posed to several speakers at the upcoming Content Marketing World conference was…
The dawn of interactive technology at events…finally!
In B-to-B Online this month, Charlotte Woolard wrote an intriguing article entitled “Best in Show: Marketers make smart investments as events industry posts gains.” The second sentence immediately got my attention: But when the company set up its booth at the Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition in Chicago last January, only one water pump made it to the…
Nice and Simple Product Feature Demo for HP TouchSmart on CNET.COM
I was checking out cnet.com today and right at the top was an ad for the HP TouchSmart 520t, which had a DEMO button I was eager to check out: When clicked on, the panel opened up to reveal a graphic overlaid with an animation of a hand that moved in response to my mouse. When I…
Increasing the Market Penetration for Simulations
In this post, I want to discuss some ideas I have had on how to dramatically increase the market penetration of simulations, where it is possible, which offers some insights into why I believe my new project, SimsUShare, is going to be big (and you should sign up here!). That having been said, what I put here…
How Simulation Supports an Experience in Content Marketing
It’s been awhile since my last post, but I really haven’t seen anything that has caught my eye enough to comment on. Of course I am also involved in my super-secret project, called SimsUShare, and then taking care of regular business and such hasn’t left me a lot of time for exploring. In a few months,…
Implanting False Memories — Good for Training, Bad for Marketing?
I came across an interesting post today entitled “Study Demonstrates False Memories Implanted Via Advertising” (which referred to an earlier post at Wired) about a research study I Imagine I Experience, I Like: The False Experience Effect (the odd part is that people say it is published in the Journal of Consumer Research, but I can’t find it in vol. 38 there). What immediately…
The Future of Advertising will be ‘Authentic’
In Mark Suster’s recent post entitled “The Future of Advertising will be Integrated” (which appeared on TechCrunch a few days earlier) he discusses how the traditional interruption marketing (my term, not his) — for example, banner ads, things that take our attention away from why we are viewing the material — are not as successful as “integrated”…
Value of Stories and Scenarios to Marketing Content
It’s been a bit of an absence in blogging, but I just haven’t seen anything that caught my attention enough to comment. A few days ago, during my perusal of marketer blogs, I read a post by the always insightful Ardath Albee (Marketing Interactions), entitled “Scenarios Add Value to Marketing Content.” In that post, she…